Rewind your life and go back to your schooling days. Now, of the class-size of 40 odd, how many of them were the so-called bright students? 3 or 4? How many of them were just average? Most of them? Now go to your college days and recollect the numbers asked above. Almost same? What about …
I remember this conversation with my friend one evening, when we had a healthy discussion about awareness. It all started with talks about our experiences of life and the learnings from it. I concluded by saying that we can control most of the things in life. Almost everything is within our control and there isn’t …
Sitting with school buddies and re-living “those” moments are often extraordinary. A few days back, I was fortunate enough to meet my schoolmates and boy what an evening it was! We laughed, argued, agreed, sympathized, empathized and what not. “Wish I could re-live those days”, was the only take away of our meeting. Hang on, …